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Chalk'it APIs

Chalk'it offers a set of APIs through chalkit that address several primary functionalities:

  • Scheduler APIs: Facilitate the scheduling process by enabling the modification of dataNode variables and triggering the scheduler.
  • Dashboard APIs: Support the developpement of multi-dashboard applications and widget display.
  • Notification APIs: Enable the creation, management, and delivery of real-time alerts and updates to users supporting both blocking (popup) and non-blocking notifications.
  • Datanode IOs


Scheduler features

The main feature allows the setting of dataNode variables in a script, replicating the behavior of a user interacting with a basic input/control widget.

The assessment of these functions is handled at the end of the current scheduling instance.


chalkit.scheduler.setVariable(dataNodeName, dataNodeValue);

This API assigns the value dataNodeValue to the dataNode identified by dataNode["dataNodeName"].

  • dataNodeName (string): The name of the dataNode.
  • dataNodeValue: The value to be assigned to the dataNode, which can be any JavaScript primitive type (number, string, boolean), array or JSON.

For example, to update the following dataNode named info_person:

  "name": "John Doe",
  "age": "30"

Use this code:

chalkit.scheduler.setVariable("info_person", {"name": "Jane Doe","age": "25"});


chalkit.scheduler.setVariableProperty(dataNodeName, propertyPath, dataNodeValue);

This API allows to modify a specific property within a dataNode (not the entire dataNode). It assigns the value dataNodeValue to the specified property path: dataNode["dataNodeName"].propertyPath.

  • dataNodeName (string): The name of the dataNode.
  • propertyPath (array|string): The path to the property to be modified, supporting nested structures.
  • dataNodeValue: The value to be set to the dataNode property, can be of any JavaScript primitive type (number, string, boolean), array or JSON.

For example, given this dataNode named info_address:

  "name": "personal address",
  "address": {
    "city": "New York",
      "street": "123 Main St",
      "zipCode": "10001",
      "country": "USA"

To update the value of the street property in the nested structure within info_address, you can use the following code:

chalkit.scheduler.setVariableProperty("info_person", ["address","details","street"], "West 23rd Street");


chalkit.scheduler.setVariables(dataNodeNames, dataNodeValues);

This API sets each value dataNodeValues[i] to dataNode["dataNodeNames[i]"], where i:0 .. length-1 of dataNodeNames.

  • dataNodeNames (array): An array of dataNode names.
  • dataNodeValues (array): An array of values, matching the order and size of dataNodeNames.

For example, to update info_person and another dataNode info_gender:

{"gender": "male"}

you can use the following code:

chalkit.scheduler.setVariables(["info_person","info_gender"], [{"name": "Jane Doe","age": "25"},{"gender": "female"}]);



This API triggers the scheduler with the source node identified as dataNodeName (the name of the dataNode that must be a string).

This functionality can be useful for a dataNode with explicit trigger flag set to true. Its execution can be explicitly triggered by this API, in addition to being triggered by an associated push button widget or by clicking on the dataNode update icon Update present in the dataNodes list.



This API is similar to executeDataNode, except it launches the schedule with multiple source nodes defined in the dataNodeNames array, where each name is represented as a string.

Dashboard features

The main feature allow navigation between Chalk'it pages with parameter transfer. When landing at the target page, specified dataNodes of type Variable can have their initial values modified, as described below.


The method:


allows to show only the targed page. It is the main method for building multi-page app with custom navigation control.

  • pageNumber (number): The target page number.


chalkit.dashboard.viewPage(pageUrl, inputVals, bNewTab)

Navigates to pageUrl, setting the values of the specified dataNodes in inputVals.

  • pageUrl (string): The URL of the target page.
  • inputVals (array): An array of objects with structure.
{"dsName": "dataNodeName", "dsVal" : "dataNodeValue"}

dsName should be of type string. dsVal can be of any JavaScript primitive type (number, string, boolean), array or JSON.

  • bNewTab (boolean): Opens the page in a new tab if true.


Similar to view page, but applies for projects.

chalkit.dashboard.viewProject(projectUrl, inputVals, bNewTab)



Hides the display of the widget.

  • widgetName (string): The name of the widget, which can be obtained by hovering over the widget target, in the edit mode. The widget is visible by default.



Makes the display of the widget visible.



Disables the interaction with a widget. The widget is enabled by default.



Enables the interaction with a widget.

Notification features

These features facilitate the creation and delivery of blocking and non-blocking notifications, supporting various types such as error, success, info, and warning.


chalkit.notification.swalert(title, message, type)

Creates and displays a blocking notification using the SweetAlert library:

sweet alert

  • title (string): The title of the notification.
  • message (string): The content of the notification message.
  • type (string): The type of the notification. Accepted values are "error", "success", "warning", or "info".


chalkit.notification.notify(dataNodeName, message, type)

Creates and displays a non-blocking notification, which will appear in the notification window under the bell icon bell icon:

Notification window

  • dataNodeName (string): The name of the associated dataNode. If dataNodeName is undefined or an empty string, the script source where the API is called will be used as the default.
  • message (string): The content of the notification message.
  • type (string): The type of the notification. Accepted values are "error", "success", "warning", or "info".


The Python API deals with input and outputs for Python scripts and also offers a port of the JavaScript API to interact with the scheduler and the dashboard.

Input/ouputs helpers

An instance of ChalkitApi is provided to user scripts as chalkit. It can be used by scripts to interact with Chalk'it.

Aside from utility fonctions, it provides a set of methods to build the script's output. The output method can be used as an alternative to a return statement. If called multiple times the results will be combined as a JSON array or object.

As Chalk'it can only handle JSON data, any returned python object will be converted according to a set of heuristics. Lists, dicts, string and numbers will be directly mapped to their JSON equivalent; Plots from known libraries will be converted to images (preferably SVG); etc. As a last resort, the object will be pickled and sent as binary data. If this fails, an error is raised.

The as_* methods can be used to force the results to use a specific conversion:

dataframe = compute_my_data()
return [chalkit.as_json(dataframe), chalkit.as_python(dataframe)]

The output_* methods a juste conveniences to return a converted value. chalkit.output_json(dataframe) is the same as chalkit.output(chalkit.as_json(dataframe)).

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
class ChalkitApi:
    """An instance of `ChalkitApi` is provided to user scripts as `chalkit`. It can be used by scripts to interact
     with Chalk'it.

    Aside from utility fonctions, it provides a set of methods to build the script's output. The `output` method
    can be used as an alternative to a return statement. If called multiple times the results will be combined as a
    JSON array or object.

    As Chalk'it can only handle JSON data, any returned python object will be converted according to a set of
    heuristics. Lists, dicts, string and numbers will be directly mapped to their JSON equivalent; Plots from known
    libraries will be converted to images (preferably SVG); etc. As a last resort, the object will be pickled and sent
    as binary data. If this fails, an error is raised.

    The `as_*` methods can be used to force the results to use a specific conversion:

        dataframe = compute_my_data()
        return [chalkit.as_json(dataframe), chalkit.as_python(dataframe)]

    The `output_*` methods a juste conveniences to return a converted value. `chalkit.output_json(dataframe)` is the
    same as `chalkit.output(chalkit.as_json(dataframe))`.


    def __init__(self, state: ChalkitState):
        self._state = state
        self._scheduler = SchedulerActions(state)
        self._dashboard = DashboardActions(state)
        self._notification = NotificationActions(state)

    def scheduler(self) -> SchedulerActions:
        return self._scheduler

    def dashboard(self) -> DashboardActions:
        return self._dashboard

    def notification(self) -> NotificationActions:
        return self._notification

    def base64_to_bytes(b64: str) -> bytes:
        """Reverts data encoded as a string using base 64 to raw `bytes`.

        All binary data moved around as JSON in Chalk'it is encoded as base 64 strings. This method is provided
        as an easy way to get the data back into a binary form.

            b64: the base64 encoded string

            the decoded raw binary data
        from base64 import standard_b64decode

        return standard_b64decode(b64)

    def as_json(value: Any) -> OutputAdapter:
        This method instructs Chalk'it to convert a result to a JSON representation.

            Technically, all data is ultimately converted to JSON. But using a plotly plot as an example, this method
            will output the plot's JSON configuration, whereas `as_image` would return an image of the plot encoded
            into JSON using base64.

            value: a return value for the script

            `value` either wrapped or converted. The returned object is not intended to be used by the user's script
             but returned as it is.
        return JsonAdapter(value)

    def as_python(value: Any) -> OutputAdapter:
        This method instructs Chalk'it to pickle a result, the main use case being moving Python objects from a
        Python datanode to another.

        The JSON encoding used will be recognized if the value is used in another Python datanode and the object will
        be automatically un-pickled, meaning `dataNodes["previous-python-node"]` will directly evaluate to the
        un-pickled object.

            value: a return value for the script

            `value` either wrapped or converted. The returned object is not intended to be used by the user's script
             but returned as it is.
        return PythonAdapter(value)

    def as_image(value: Any) -> OutputAdapter:
        This method instructs Chalk'it to convert the result (like a plot figure) into an image.

            value: a return value for the script

            `value` either wrapped or converted. The returned object is not intended to be used by the user's script
             but returned as it is.
        return ImageAdapter(value)

    def as_data(value: Any, mime_type: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) -> OutputAdapter:
        This method instructs Chalk'it to output the result as binary data using its JSON convention.

        Object of known types, like numpy arrays, will be saved as binary data. This behavior is very discretionary.

        The most obvious use case is returning raw data from `bytes` or a `BytesIO` using Chalk'it conventions, with
        the possibility to attach a MIME type.

        The resulting JSON looks like:

              "content": "ZHJncnNk",
              "isBinary": true,
              "type": "application/octet-stream",
              "name": "my_file.bin"

        Only the first two fields are guarantied / necessary. The `type` is a MIME type and help datanodes and widgets
        handle the data. The `name` is often an original filename and may be used when downloading the content
        as a file.

            value: a return value for the script
            mime_type: A MIME type to be added to the resulting JSON object.
            name: a name (usually a file name) to be added to the resulting JSON object.

            `value` either wrapped or converted. The returned object is not intended to be used by the user's script
             but returned as it is.
        return DataAdapter(value, mime_type, name)

    def output(self, value: Any, key: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        Provides an alternative way to return data, as opposed to the `return` statement.

        Multiple calls build an array; using keys yield an object:

            # Equivalent simple returns
            # Or
            return 42

            # Equivalent array returns
            # Or
            return [1, 2, 3]

            # Equivalent object returns
            chalkit.output(1, key="a")
            chalkit.output(2, key="b")
            # Or
            return {"a": 1, "b": 2}

        Mixing `output` and `return` is an error, as is using `output` with and without keys.

            value: a return value for the script
            key: if provided, attach `value` as the `key` attribute of a JSON object.
        self._state.add_output(value, key)

    def output_json(self, value: Any, key: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        Same as `chalkit.output(chalkit.as_json(value), key)`.

            value: a return value for the script
        self._state.add_output(self.as_json(value), key)

    def output_python(self, value: Any, key: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
            Same as `chalkit.output(chalkit.as_python(value), key)`.

            value: a return value for the script
        self._state.add_output(self.as_python(value), key)

    def output_image(self, value: Any, key: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        Same as `chalkit.output(chalkit.as_image(value), key)`.

            value: a return value for the script
        self._state.add_output(self.as_image(value), key)

    def output_data(self, value: Any, key: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        Same as `chalkit.output(chalkit.as_data(value), key)`.

            value: a return value for the script
        self._state.add_output(self.as_data(value), key)

    def debug(self, value: Any) -> None:
        Output debug information.

        This method does nothing when not invoked while editing a script in the Python datanode editor. In the editor,
        the `value` with be displayed as conveniently as possible. This is intended to be similar to a `print`, or more
        accurately a `logger.debug(value)`, with some additional rendering, like images being displayed, etc.

            value: the value to display

    def notify(self):
        # TODO

as_data(value, mime_type=None, name=None) staticmethod

This method instructs Chalk'it to output the result as binary data using its JSON convention.

Object of known types, like numpy arrays, will be saved as binary data. This behavior is very discretionary.

The most obvious use case is returning raw data from bytes or a BytesIO using Chalk'it conventions, with the possibility to attach a MIME type.

The resulting JSON looks like:

  "content": "ZHJncnNk",
  "isBinary": true,
  "type": "application/octet-stream",
  "name": "my_file.bin"

Only the first two fields are guarantied / necessary. The type is a MIME type and help datanodes and widgets handle the data. The name is often an original filename and may be used when downloading the content as a file.


Name Type Description Default
value Any

a return value for the script

mime_type Optional[str]

A MIME type to be added to the resulting JSON object.

name Optional[str]

a name (usually a file name) to be added to the resulting JSON object.



Type Description

value either wrapped or converted. The returned object is not intended to be used by the user's script but returned as it is.

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def as_data(value: Any, mime_type: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) -> OutputAdapter:
    This method instructs Chalk'it to output the result as binary data using its JSON convention.

    Object of known types, like numpy arrays, will be saved as binary data. This behavior is very discretionary.

    The most obvious use case is returning raw data from `bytes` or a `BytesIO` using Chalk'it conventions, with
    the possibility to attach a MIME type.

    The resulting JSON looks like:

          "content": "ZHJncnNk",
          "isBinary": true,
          "type": "application/octet-stream",
          "name": "my_file.bin"

    Only the first two fields are guarantied / necessary. The `type` is a MIME type and help datanodes and widgets
    handle the data. The `name` is often an original filename and may be used when downloading the content
    as a file.

        value: a return value for the script
        mime_type: A MIME type to be added to the resulting JSON object.
        name: a name (usually a file name) to be added to the resulting JSON object.

        `value` either wrapped or converted. The returned object is not intended to be used by the user's script
         but returned as it is.
    return DataAdapter(value, mime_type, name)

as_image(value) staticmethod

This method instructs Chalk'it to convert the result (like a plot figure) into an image.


Name Type Description Default
value Any

a return value for the script



Type Description

value either wrapped or converted. The returned object is not intended to be used by the user's script but returned as it is.

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def as_image(value: Any) -> OutputAdapter:
    This method instructs Chalk'it to convert the result (like a plot figure) into an image.

        value: a return value for the script

        `value` either wrapped or converted. The returned object is not intended to be used by the user's script
         but returned as it is.
    return ImageAdapter(value)

as_json(value) staticmethod

This method instructs Chalk'it to convert a result to a JSON representation.

!!! note Technically, all data is ultimately converted to JSON. But using a plotly plot as an example, this method will output the plot's JSON configuration, whereas as_image would return an image of the plot encoded into JSON using base64.


Name Type Description Default
value Any

a return value for the script



Type Description

value either wrapped or converted. The returned object is not intended to be used by the user's script but returned as it is.

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def as_json(value: Any) -> OutputAdapter:
    This method instructs Chalk'it to convert a result to a JSON representation.

        Technically, all data is ultimately converted to JSON. But using a plotly plot as an example, this method
        will output the plot's JSON configuration, whereas `as_image` would return an image of the plot encoded
        into JSON using base64.

        value: a return value for the script

        `value` either wrapped or converted. The returned object is not intended to be used by the user's script
         but returned as it is.
    return JsonAdapter(value)

as_python(value) staticmethod

This method instructs Chalk'it to pickle a result, the main use case being moving Python objects from a Python datanode to another.

The JSON encoding used will be recognized if the value is used in another Python datanode and the object will be automatically un-pickled, meaning dataNodes["previous-python-node"] will directly evaluate to the un-pickled object.


Name Type Description Default
value Any

a return value for the script



Type Description

value either wrapped or converted. The returned object is not intended to be used by the user's script but returned as it is.

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def as_python(value: Any) -> OutputAdapter:
    This method instructs Chalk'it to pickle a result, the main use case being moving Python objects from a
    Python datanode to another.

    The JSON encoding used will be recognized if the value is used in another Python datanode and the object will
    be automatically un-pickled, meaning `dataNodes["previous-python-node"]` will directly evaluate to the
    un-pickled object.

        value: a return value for the script

        `value` either wrapped or converted. The returned object is not intended to be used by the user's script
         but returned as it is.
    return PythonAdapter(value)

base64_to_bytes(b64) staticmethod

Reverts data encoded as a string using base 64 to raw bytes.

All binary data moved around as JSON in Chalk'it is encoded as base 64 strings. This method is provided as an easy way to get the data back into a binary form.


Name Type Description Default
b64 str

the base64 encoded string



Type Description

the decoded raw binary data

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def base64_to_bytes(b64: str) -> bytes:
    """Reverts data encoded as a string using base 64 to raw `bytes`.

    All binary data moved around as JSON in Chalk'it is encoded as base 64 strings. This method is provided
    as an easy way to get the data back into a binary form.

        b64: the base64 encoded string

        the decoded raw binary data
    from base64 import standard_b64decode

    return standard_b64decode(b64)

debug(self, value)

Output debug information.

This method does nothing when not invoked while editing a script in the Python datanode editor. In the editor, the value with be displayed as conveniently as possible. This is intended to be similar to a print, or more accurately a logger.debug(value), with some additional rendering, like images being displayed, etc.


Name Type Description Default
value Any

the value to display

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def debug(self, value: Any) -> None:
    Output debug information.

    This method does nothing when not invoked while editing a script in the Python datanode editor. In the editor,
    the `value` with be displayed as conveniently as possible. This is intended to be similar to a `print`, or more
    accurately a `logger.debug(value)`, with some additional rendering, like images being displayed, etc.

        value: the value to display

output(self, value, key=None)

Provides an alternative way to return data, as opposed to the return statement.

Multiple calls build an array; using keys yield an object:

# Equivalent simple returns
# Or
return 42

# Equivalent array returns
# Or
return [1, 2, 3]

# Equivalent object returns
chalkit.output(1, key="a")
chalkit.output(2, key="b")
# Or
return {"a": 1, "b": 2}

Mixing output and return is an error, as is using output with and without keys.


Name Type Description Default
value Any

a return value for the script

key Optional[str]

if provided, attach value as the key attribute of a JSON object.

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def output(self, value: Any, key: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
    Provides an alternative way to return data, as opposed to the `return` statement.

    Multiple calls build an array; using keys yield an object:

        # Equivalent simple returns
        # Or
        return 42

        # Equivalent array returns
        # Or
        return [1, 2, 3]

        # Equivalent object returns
        chalkit.output(1, key="a")
        chalkit.output(2, key="b")
        # Or
        return {"a": 1, "b": 2}

    Mixing `output` and `return` is an error, as is using `output` with and without keys.

        value: a return value for the script
        key: if provided, attach `value` as the `key` attribute of a JSON object.
    self._state.add_output(value, key)

output_data(self, value, key=None)

Same as chalkit.output(chalkit.as_data(value), key).


Name Type Description Default
value Any

a return value for the script

key Optional[str] None
Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def output_data(self, value: Any, key: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
    Same as `chalkit.output(chalkit.as_data(value), key)`.

        value: a return value for the script
    self._state.add_output(self.as_data(value), key)

output_image(self, value, key=None)

Same as chalkit.output(chalkit.as_image(value), key).


Name Type Description Default
value Any

a return value for the script

key Optional[str] None
Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def output_image(self, value: Any, key: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
    Same as `chalkit.output(chalkit.as_image(value), key)`.

        value: a return value for the script
    self._state.add_output(self.as_image(value), key)

output_json(self, value, key=None)

Same as chalkit.output(chalkit.as_json(value), key).


Name Type Description Default
value Any

a return value for the script

key Optional[str] None
Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def output_json(self, value: Any, key: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
    Same as `chalkit.output(chalkit.as_json(value), key)`.

        value: a return value for the script
    self._state.add_output(self.as_json(value), key)

output_python(self, value, key=None)

Same as `chalkit.output(chalkit.as_python(value), key)`.


Name Type Description Default
value Any

a return value for the script

key Optional[str] None
Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def output_python(self, value: Any, key: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        Same as `chalkit.output(chalkit.as_python(value), key)`.

        value: a return value for the script
    self._state.add_output(self.as_python(value), key)

options: show_source: false heading_level: 4 show_signature_annotations: true show_object_full_path: false show_root_toc_entry: false separate_signature: true show_signature_annotations: false

Scheduler interactions

This class provides a port of the javascript API. An instance of it is provided to user scripts as chalkit.scheduler. It allows some interactions with the dashboard's scheduler. Use with caution as these introduce side effects to data nodes executions. Be especially mindful of not creating update cycles.

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
class SchedulerActions:
    This class provides a port of the javascript API. An instance of it is provided to user scripts as
    `chalkit.scheduler`. It allows some interactions with the dashboard's scheduler. Use with caution as these
    introduce side effects to data nodes executions. Be especially mindful of not creating update cycles.

    def __init__(self, state: ChalkitState):
        self._state = state

    def set_variable(self, datanode_name: str, json_value: JSON) -> None:
        Update the value of a dataNode.

        The change happens at the end of the evaluation of the current dataNode. This may trigger the re-evaluation
        of downstream dataNodes. Most dataNodes that are not `Variable` can't be updated.

            datanode_name: the name of the dataNode
            json_value: the new value, must convert to JSON
        self.set_variables({datanode_name: json_value})

    def set_variables(self, datanodes_values: dict[str, JSON]) -> None:
        Update the value of multiple dataNodes (see `set_variable`).

            datanodes_values: dictionary mapping dataNode names to their new values. Values must convert to JSON.
        self._state.add_side_effect("scheduler.setVariables", datanodes_values)

    def set_variable_property(self, datanode_name: str, property_path: PropertyPath, json_value: JSON) -> None:
        Update part of the value of a dataNode (see `set_variable`).

        See the javascript version for more details.

            datanode_name: the name of the dataNode
            property_path: Path in the old value where to set the new value. Sequence of strings (object keys) and
                           integers (array index).
            json_value: the new value to insert, must convert to JSON

        self._state.add_side_effect("scheduler.setVariableProperty", datanode_name, property_path, json_value)

    def execute_datanode(self, datanode_name: str) -> None:
        Schedules the evaluation of a dataNode.

        This is mostly meant for dataNodes with the explicit trigger flag. This will cascade to downstream dataNodes.
            datanode_name: the name of the dataNode

    def execute_datanodes(self, datanode_names: list[str]) -> None:
        Schedules the evaluation of multiple dataNodes (see `execute_datanode).

            datanode_names: the names of a group of dataNodes
        self._state.add_side_effect("scheduler.executeDataNodes", datanode_names)

execute_datanode(self, datanode_name)

Schedules the evaluation of a dataNode.

This is mostly meant for dataNodes with the explicit trigger flag. This will cascade to downstream dataNodes.


Name Type Description Default
datanode_name str

the name of the dataNode

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def execute_datanode(self, datanode_name: str) -> None:
    Schedules the evaluation of a dataNode.

    This is mostly meant for dataNodes with the explicit trigger flag. This will cascade to downstream dataNodes.
        datanode_name: the name of the dataNode

execute_datanodes(self, datanode_names)

Schedules the evaluation of multiple dataNodes (see `execute_datanode).


Name Type Description Default
datanode_names list[str]

the names of a group of dataNodes

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def execute_datanodes(self, datanode_names: list[str]) -> None:
    Schedules the evaluation of multiple dataNodes (see `execute_datanode).

        datanode_names: the names of a group of dataNodes
    self._state.add_side_effect("scheduler.executeDataNodes", datanode_names)

set_variable(self, datanode_name, json_value)

Update the value of a dataNode.

The change happens at the end of the evaluation of the current dataNode. This may trigger the re-evaluation of downstream dataNodes. Most dataNodes that are not Variable can't be updated.


Name Type Description Default
datanode_name str

the name of the dataNode

json_value Any

the new value, must convert to JSON

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def set_variable(self, datanode_name: str, json_value: JSON) -> None:
    Update the value of a dataNode.

    The change happens at the end of the evaluation of the current dataNode. This may trigger the re-evaluation
    of downstream dataNodes. Most dataNodes that are not `Variable` can't be updated.

        datanode_name: the name of the dataNode
        json_value: the new value, must convert to JSON
    self.set_variables({datanode_name: json_value})

set_variable_property(self, datanode_name, property_path, json_value)

Update part of the value of a dataNode (see set_variable).

See the javascript version for more details.


Name Type Description Default
datanode_name str

the name of the dataNode

property_path list[Union[int, str]]

Path in the old value where to set the new value. Sequence of strings (object keys) and integers (array index).

json_value Any

the new value to insert, must convert to JSON

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def set_variable_property(self, datanode_name: str, property_path: PropertyPath, json_value: JSON) -> None:
    Update part of the value of a dataNode (see `set_variable`).

    See the javascript version for more details.

        datanode_name: the name of the dataNode
        property_path: Path in the old value where to set the new value. Sequence of strings (object keys) and
                       integers (array index).
        json_value: the new value to insert, must convert to JSON

    self._state.add_side_effect("scheduler.setVariableProperty", datanode_name, property_path, json_value)

set_variables(self, datanodes_values)

Update the value of multiple dataNodes (see set_variable).


Name Type Description Default
datanodes_values dict[str, Any]

dictionary mapping dataNode names to their new values. Values must convert to JSON.

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def set_variables(self, datanodes_values: dict[str, JSON]) -> None:
    Update the value of multiple dataNodes (see `set_variable`).

        datanodes_values: dictionary mapping dataNode names to their new values. Values must convert to JSON.
    self._state.add_side_effect("scheduler.setVariables", datanodes_values)

options: show_source: false heading_level: 4 show_signature_annotations: true show_object_full_path: false show_root_toc_entry: false separate_signature: true show_signature_annotations: false

Dashboard interactions

This class provides a port of the javascript API. An instance of it is provided to user scripts as chalkit.dashboard. It allows some interactions with the dashboard. Use with caution as these introduce side effects to data nodes executions.

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
class DashboardActions:
    This class provides a port of the javascript API. An instance of it is provided to user scripts as
    `chalkit.dashboard`. It allows some interactions with the dashboard. Use with caution as these introduce side
    effects to data nodes executions.

    def __init__(self, state: ChalkitState):
        self._state = state

    def view_page(self, page_url: str, input_vals: Optional[ParamValues] = None, new_tab=False) -> None:
        Navigates to pageUrl, setting the values of the specified dataNodes in inputVals.

            page_url: target page URL
            input_vals: optional array of structures of type `{"dsName": "dataNodeName", "dsVal" : "dataNodeValue"}`.
                        `dsName` must be a string. `dsVal` must convert to JSON.
            new_tab: open in new tab when true
        self._state.add_side_effect("dashboard.viewPage", page_url, input_vals, new_tab)

    def view_project(self, project_url: str, input_vals: Optional[ParamValues] = None, new_tab=False) -> None:
        Similar to `view_page`, but for projects.

            project_url: URL of an xprjson file
            new_tab: open in new tab when true
        self._state.add_side_effect("dashboard.viewProject", project_url, input_vals, new_tab)

    def go_to_page(self, num_page: int) -> None:
        Changes the current page in constrained dashboard mode.

            num_page: the page to display
        self._state.add_side_effect("dashboard.goToPage", num_page)

    def enable_widget(self, widget_name: str) -> None:
        (re)enables a widget, making it interactive.

            widget_name: the name of a widget (can be obtained by hovering over a widget in the edit mode)
        self._state.add_side_effect("dashboard.enableWidget", widget_name)

    def disable_widget(self, widget_name: str) -> None:
        Disables a widget, making it non-interactive. All widgets are initially enabled.

            widget_name: the name of a widget (can be obtained by hovering over a widget in the edit mode)
        self._state.add_side_effect("dashboard.disableWidget", widget_name)

    def show_widget(self, widget_name: str) -> None:
        Makes a widget visible. All widgets are initially visible.

            widget_name: the name of a widget (can be obtained by hovering over a widget in the edit mode)
        self._state.add_side_effect("dashboard.showWidget", widget_name)

    def hide_widget(self, widget_name: str) -> None:
        Hides a widget. All widgets are initially visible.

            widget_name: the name of a widget (can be obtained by hovering over a widget in the edit mode)
        self._state.add_side_effect("dashboard.hideWidget", widget_name)

disable_widget(self, widget_name)

Disables a widget, making it non-interactive. All widgets are initially enabled.


Name Type Description Default
widget_name str

the name of a widget (can be obtained by hovering over a widget in the edit mode)

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def disable_widget(self, widget_name: str) -> None:
    Disables a widget, making it non-interactive. All widgets are initially enabled.

        widget_name: the name of a widget (can be obtained by hovering over a widget in the edit mode)
    self._state.add_side_effect("dashboard.disableWidget", widget_name)

enable_widget(self, widget_name)

(re)enables a widget, making it interactive.


Name Type Description Default
widget_name str

the name of a widget (can be obtained by hovering over a widget in the edit mode)

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def enable_widget(self, widget_name: str) -> None:
    (re)enables a widget, making it interactive.

        widget_name: the name of a widget (can be obtained by hovering over a widget in the edit mode)
    self._state.add_side_effect("dashboard.enableWidget", widget_name)

go_to_page(self, num_page)

Changes the current page in constrained dashboard mode.


Name Type Description Default
num_page int

the page to display

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def go_to_page(self, num_page: int) -> None:
    Changes the current page in constrained dashboard mode.

        num_page: the page to display
    self._state.add_side_effect("dashboard.goToPage", num_page)

hide_widget(self, widget_name)

Hides a widget. All widgets are initially visible.


Name Type Description Default
widget_name str

the name of a widget (can be obtained by hovering over a widget in the edit mode)

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def hide_widget(self, widget_name: str) -> None:
    Hides a widget. All widgets are initially visible.

        widget_name: the name of a widget (can be obtained by hovering over a widget in the edit mode)
    self._state.add_side_effect("dashboard.hideWidget", widget_name)

show_widget(self, widget_name)

Makes a widget visible. All widgets are initially visible.


Name Type Description Default
widget_name str

the name of a widget (can be obtained by hovering over a widget in the edit mode)

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def show_widget(self, widget_name: str) -> None:
    Makes a widget visible. All widgets are initially visible.

        widget_name: the name of a widget (can be obtained by hovering over a widget in the edit mode)
    self._state.add_side_effect("dashboard.showWidget", widget_name)

view_page(self, page_url, input_vals=None, new_tab=False)

Navigates to pageUrl, setting the values of the specified dataNodes in inputVals.


Name Type Description Default
page_url str

target page URL

input_vals Optional[list[chalkit_python_api.public_api.ParamValue]]

optional array of structures of type {"dsName": "dataNodeName", "dsVal" : "dataNodeValue"}. dsName must be a string. dsVal must convert to JSON.


open in new tab when true

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def view_page(self, page_url: str, input_vals: Optional[ParamValues] = None, new_tab=False) -> None:
    Navigates to pageUrl, setting the values of the specified dataNodes in inputVals.

        page_url: target page URL
        input_vals: optional array of structures of type `{"dsName": "dataNodeName", "dsVal" : "dataNodeValue"}`.
                    `dsName` must be a string. `dsVal` must convert to JSON.
        new_tab: open in new tab when true
    self._state.add_side_effect("dashboard.viewPage", page_url, input_vals, new_tab)

view_project(self, project_url, input_vals=None, new_tab=False)

Similar to view_page, but for projects.


Name Type Description Default
project_url str

URL of an xprjson file

input_vals Optional[list[chalkit_python_api.public_api.ParamValue]] None

open in new tab when true

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def view_project(self, project_url: str, input_vals: Optional[ParamValues] = None, new_tab=False) -> None:
    Similar to `view_page`, but for projects.

        project_url: URL of an xprjson file
        new_tab: open in new tab when true
    self._state.add_side_effect("dashboard.viewProject", project_url, input_vals, new_tab)

options: show_source: false heading_level: 4 show_signature_annotations: true show_object_full_path: false show_root_toc_entry: false separate_signature: true show_signature_annotations: false

Notification interactions

This class provides a port of the javascript API. An instance of it is provided to user scripts as chalkit.notification. It allows some interactions with the notifications.

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
class NotificationActions:
    This class provides a port of the javascript API. An instance of it is provided to user scripts as
    `chalkit.notification`. It allows some interactions with the notifications. 

    def __init__(self, state: ChalkitState):
        self._state = state

    def notify(self, datanode_name: str, message: str, type: str) -> None:
        Add a non-blocking notification.

            datanode_name: the name of the dataNode
            message: the content of the message
            type: the type of the message (error, success, warning, info)
        self._state.add_side_effect("notification.notify", datanode_name, message, type)

    def swalert(self, title: str,message: str,type: str) -> None:
        Use sweetAlert blocking notification.

            title: the title of the notification
            message: the content of the message
            type: the type of the message (error, success, warning, info)
        self._state.add_side_effect("notification.swalert", title, message, type)

notify(self, datanode_name, message, type)

Add a non-blocking notification.


Name Type Description Default
datanode_name str

the name of the dataNode

message str

the content of the message

type str

the type of the message (error, success, warning, info)

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def notify(self, datanode_name: str, message: str, type: str) -> None:
    Add a non-blocking notification.

        datanode_name: the name of the dataNode
        message: the content of the message
        type: the type of the message (error, success, warning, info)
    self._state.add_side_effect("notification.notify", datanode_name, message, type)

swalert(self, title, message, type)

Use sweetAlert blocking notification.


Name Type Description Default
title str

the title of the notification

message str

the content of the message

type str

the type of the message (error, success, warning, info)

Source code in chalkit_python_api\
def swalert(self, title: str,message: str,type: str) -> None:
    Use sweetAlert blocking notification.

        title: the title of the notification
        message: the content of the message
        type: the type of the message (error, success, warning, info)
    self._state.add_side_effect("notification.swalert", title, message, type)

options: show_source: false heading_level: 4 show_signature_annotations: true show_object_full_path: false show_root_toc_entry: false separate_signature: true show_signature_annotations: false